Saturday, April 9, 2011

Where Does Your Happiness Come From?

I hope you had a great week! I am still going strong on the Elimination diet and will share some of my great recipes I have come up with tomorrow!

Yesterday for yoga I set the intention for class to focus on SANTOSHA the 2nd of the Niyamas (guidelines to interact with ourselves and our internal world).

Evenness of mind, through all that life offers. Contentment, accepting what is, and making the best of everything. Exhibit gratitude and joyfulness, remain calm with success and failure, let go of attachment and any external status, remain focused in the face of adversity and choose love over fear!

I found this brought great happiness to me after class! Later to find out in the evening something did not go the way I wanted or had it planned, and I quickly let go of this intention and let my emotions take control of my happiness.

Doing some school work this morning, I was instructed to watch this video about happiness and I must say it was really interesting! Only 6 minutes long, it gets to the point that we have the ability to CHOOSE if we are happy by our intentions.

It also has a short clip on meditating and how it can increase your mood in up to 2 weeks!

Take some time for yourself today, BE INSPIRED!!!

Have a great Day!