Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Moving onto bigger and better things!

I am so excited to announce my new website and blog! Whole New Tomorrow has been my baby that I have invested a lot of time and frustration into but as I grow into different stages in my life I have to leave some things behind!

Graduating as a Holistic Health Coach next March, I have created a new website that features my blog with many other tools and resources for you to use!

Thank you so much for your support and I hope you like my new site!

Monday, May 30, 2011

A salad to beat the summer heat!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial weekend! Mine was spent with family and friends, some of the best things in life! Today was EXTREMELY HOT! I love all of the seasons in Ohio, but I am a Spring kind of girl. I love the showers. Something about the feeling of cleansing that overcomes and calms me. But it is full out Summer and I am more than ready to bring out the SALADS!

Besides drinking a lot of water today I stuck with fruit at the cookout (no burgers or hot dogs for me) which kept me cool and hydrated!
The picture above are my best friends from high school! It is so important to keep those healthy relationships with the ones you truly care about!

Tonight, Graham wanted eggplant but I was up for something more light, salad maybe? (He will eat anything I throw together) I had just made my famous dish, cowboy caviar for the cookout, which happens to be right up my ally for vegan raw goodness filled with fresh vegetables and packed with vitamins and phytochemicals!

I saved some for me and Graham and it was a good idea because it was gone in less than 20 minutes! It has the effect of engulfing your hand when you stand beside it!

It is great to have leftover to add to salads, burritos or stir fry. It has a lot of protein from the beans which is great to add to anymeal for vegetarians! I also decided to add some brussel sprouts and yams to "ground" me for the evening. Yams, which are a root vegetable have grounding effects on our bodies, leaving us centered and well, grounded!

Zesty Summer Salad

Leafy green of choice (I used lettuce)
5-10 Brussel sprouts
1 Yam
1 fresh lemon
2 tbsp of Olive Oil
Cowboy Caviar (ingredients below)

First, wash and cut the brussel sprouts. I cut them in half and then again through the center (into fours). Add 1/2 fresh lemon and olive oil with pepper and set aside.
Wash and cut yam into even pieces and place in the steamer with brussel sprouts until tender. 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally.
Chop broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and add the other 1/2 lemon and a splash of olive oil. Mix well with some pepper and salt.
Then add in lettuce. I poured my cowboy caviar into my salad which is tomatoes, 1 can of corn, 1 green bell pepper, 1 can of black beans and 1 can black eyed peas (onion left out). To make cowboy caviar combine these ingredients and add your favorite Italian dressing (about 1/2 to 1 cup). Mix and chill. IT IS AMAZING!!! This will be your new fav. dish to take with you to any occasion, I promise!

The dressing is absorbed by the vegetables and beans and is pure goodness! Not only are they also cooling foods they also add amazing flavor to any dish.
I added some cashews on top because I am obsessed with them :) Yams and brussel sprouts on the side with an amazing lemon zest flavor!
Don't miss out on the best gift of summer: healthy, flavorful, cooling and energizing salads! This is a must try!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own inner fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

How will you be brilliant today?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Do You Use A Microwave to Kill Your Food?

So, here I am again....amazed and extremely upset by what I read through my journey to become a Holistic Health Coach at IIN. Microwaves?! Really?! When I was growing up I used them ALL the time. I would use them to heat up my milk for hot chocolate, ramen noodles, vegetables, you name it!

When I came across this learning I wanted to burn my microwave! Luckily I live in an apartment and it is screwed to the wall :)

Please, take this information that I am about to share with open ears. It is important the health of your family, kids and yourself!


Where did they come from anyways? The Nazis (Say what?) The used these machines in their mobile support operations originally to be used for the invasion of Russia. Then in the 1970's they were introduced and SOLD to the public advertised as "radar randes". (Are you kidding me?!) You blast your food with high-intensity radar and it gets hot, that's how simple and safe they led us to believe.


Microwaves heat food through a process of creating molecular friction.They are very short waves of electromagnetic energy that travel at the speed of light. As these microwaves generated from the magnetron bombard our food, they cause polar molecules to rotate at the same frequency millions of times per second. All this agitation creates molecular friction, which heats up the food from the inside out. The friction causes substantial damage to the surrounding molecules, often tearing them apart or forcefully deforming them.

Microwaving vegetables destroys up to 97% of the nutritional content! Humans are the only animals on this planet that destroy there food before they eat it! This can also coincide with the onset of obesity promoting foods, also destroying the nutritional value and leaving consumers in an ongoing state of malnourished and overfeeding.

Imagine all of the foods in the frozen section of the grocery stores: pancakes, waffles, bacon, hash browns, lunches, veggetable, "healthy" frozen dinners, pastas, you name it! All easy to make....but KILLING US?! Killing us....really?!


-Microwaving prepared meats sufficiently to insure sanitary ingestion caused formation of d-nitrosodienthanolamines (type that word into google and see how many articles come up about cancer!), as well as carcinogen.

-Microwaving milk and cereal grains converted some of their amino acids into carcinogens.

-Thawing frozen fruits converted their glucoside and galactoside containing fractions into carcinogenic substances.

-Extremely short exposure of raw, uncooked or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens.

-Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables (yams, sweet potatoes)

-Decrease in nutritional value including vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and essential minerals


1.) Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term, permanent, brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain (de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissues)

2.) The human body cannot metabolize (break down) the unknown by-products created in micro-waved foods

3.) Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods

4.) The effects of micro-waved food by-products are residual (long term, permanent) within the human body

5.) Minerals, vitamins and nutrients of all micro-waved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little to no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down

6.) The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in a microwave

7.) Micro-waved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths. This has been a primary contributor to the rapidly growing increased rate of colon cancer in the US

8.) The prolonged eating of micro-waved food causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood

9.) Continual ingestion of the micro-waved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations

10.) Eating micro-waved food causes loss of memory, concentration,, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence

Are your ears open? MICROWAVES ARE NOT BENEFICIAL TO YOUR HEALTH!!! Please take a moment to remember what microwaves are and where and when they were created. If you are freaking out right now and have no idea how you are going to heat your food again, take a deep breath...toaster oven :) These things heat our food with GOOD heat, from the outside in! I will be investing in one VERY soon, will you?

I leave you with a great recipe! I made this sandwich after Graham came home with Subway and the aroma was so delicious I had to have a sub-like meal too! I made tofu, but chicken or fish will work too! Enjoy!

2 slices of Ezekiel's bread (sesame)
2 slices of extra firm tofu (fish or chicken for you meat eaters)
pesto spread
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 avocado
leafy green of choice (I used kale and arugula)
*Massage greens with olive oil and fresh lemon juice 2-3 minutes

Toast bread lightly, spread pesto evenly over slices and cut into halves. After warming tofu (or meat), place over bread and then add bell peppers, leafy greens, and avocados!

Eat and Enjoy! This was WAY better than subway :) And the most important thing: NO MICROWAVE!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Breakfast in the RAW!

So the Raw quest continues! I have been having so much fun with this because I FEEL the difference it is having on my body. It is loving me! I will admit, last night I went to see a movie with my bestie (Water for Elephants, I cried a little) and we stopped at Northstar to grab a bite. I scarfed down the budda bowl, which if you have ever been there you would know how incredible it is! I also ordered a margarita which was extremely strong! WHEW! I must say this morning I woke up with puffy eyes (that's what alcohol does to my body) and felt totally groggy, kinda like the weather this morning. WOW, I thought. ONE drink has this effect to my body? YEP! So I had to start the morning off with a GREEN MONSTER!!!

 I call this the green monster because the spirulina turns its super GREEN!

Any fruit of choice (I used strawberries, 1 small apple, 1/2 banana)
1 scoop of my FAV! chocolate SUPERFOODS mix
1 tbsp Spirulina Powder
1-2 tbsp of Chia seeds
1-2 tbsp Flaxseed
1/2 cup Almond Milk
1/2 cup Water
3-4 Greens
3-6 ice cubes

Spirulina Health Benefits

You might be saying - "come on, can I really see any health benefits from eating some algae???" The answer is YES! Here is a partial list of the health benefits associated with Spirulina:
  • Boost the Immune System*
  • Improve Digestion*
  • Reduce fatigue*
  • Build Endurance*
  • Nature's Detoxifier - Cleanse the body*
  • Boost Energy Levels*
  • Control Appetite*
  • Maintain Healthy Cardiovascular function*
  • Support the Liver and Kidneys*
  • Reduce Inflammation*
  • Benefit People Who Suffer from Allergies*

Need some mental and physical clarity?!

SO since this post is ALL about breakfast in the raw I must share another recipes for you to try out! This next one was more standard for me (WHOLE GRAINS!) But I wanted to include some fresh juice.

What I juiced: Kale, 1 carrot, 1 mango, 1 apple, and 1 lime.

AMAZING! The Kale didn't work well. Mainly because I have a cheap juicer, but it is on my wedding gift list :)

 Just what I need, fresh mango juice with other antioxidants and phytochemicals from the kale, apple and carrot! To add some bulk and fiber I added some Ezekiel's bread (SPROUTED) with almond butter and fresh strawberry jam!

In the case of Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread, the result is an organic, nutritionally-dense, high fiber bread that also is a complete protein — one of the few breads on the market that contain all  9 essential amino acids, is low in fat, has no Trans Fats or cholesterol and is generally low in sodium. 

It is important to rememer and embrace the different stages in our lives. Along with this change, our diet will evolve based on the changing needs of our bodys. Don't ignore these changes! Our bodies know how to thrive and stay balanced. It is all about stayng in tune with that balance. There will be times of trial and regret but it WILL make you stronger and you WILL learn from them.

Embrace your inner being, love the CHANGE you see in yourself!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


First things first, this is going to be a long post (but an AMAZING one!) I am currently 3 months into my school and WOW am I a changed person already. Last week I had the privilege to hear a class by David Wolfe a raw foodist for over 20 years! This guys is a plant LOVER! He knows his sh**!

It is always a good quality to QUESTION something you believe in. If you go around believing everything you see or hear you can run into some major issues. So I heard all the good stuff, and the downfalls if not approached correctly and was left with the intention to never eat cook food again. NEVER...AGAIN. Now, I know that isn't realistic, come on now! I can't go raw overnight, but I can try it out, gradually, and see if my body likes it (which I believe it will).

So, this week was all about exploring and trying new things! Before I start on my trip to the store I want to share a few things that I learned!


-I am a firm believer of God, the Creator of this amazing earth we live on. So when he created us He did not create microwaves and kitchen utensils to give to us, we MADE them! God created a planet of abundance for us, look around!

-Raw eating is all about including MORE fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, seaweeds, grasses and sprouts, herbs, superfoods, and fermented foods. Health and healing has A LOT to do with having fun! When you are forcing yourself to eat something "healthy" that is nasty, do you think there is good health in that?!

-ONLY 50% of the nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and more have been identified in foods!!!! The other 50% we haven't even discovered yet! (Gods AMAzing right?) When we eat these foods RAW we get those 50% of nutrients we KNOW of and the other 50% we don't know of!

-If you want to develop noble, clean and pure thoughts: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! If we eat food that is noble, that is of high quality, that is ideal, that is developed through noble thoughts and ideals through which it is delivered to us (God) then we take on those thought forms!

-If 51% or more of our food is cooked than our bodies will react with a white blood cell attack! I don't know about you but I want my white blood cells to fight infection and germs not attack the food I am eating. If 51% or more of the food we are easting is raw our bodies react with not white blood cell attack...interesting?!?


1.) HYDROGEN: #1 most present substance on our planet! It must be a good thing! If you remove hydrogen from the planet EVERYTHING will die, including our food when we cook it!

2.) WATER: with live food we get live water. This helps us stay hydrated and energized. Cooking = GONE!

3.) VITAMIN-C: First thing to be destroyed my heat, SEE YA! I am sure you were eating some of those food in the 1st place to GET vitamin-c, stir fry maybe?

4.) ALL B-VITAMINS: Destroyed by heat once again!

5.) VITAMINS D & E: Nope they don't survive either.

6.) SULFUR: A VERY important mineral!

7.) AMINO ACIDS: One being tryptophan, this is what makes us "feel good" when we eat meat (turkey). 50% of ALL of the protein is LOST when you cook it!

8.)ANTI-OXIDANTS: 2/3s of them are lost! This made me VERY angry ;)

HOW HOT? If you would like all your food full of the nutrients it possesses then keep the heat below 112 degrees. That is HOT compared the the temperature of boiling 212 degrees!

               Water boils at 212°F and simmers at 190°F.
Tepid Water - 85 to 105°F. The water is comparable to the temperature of the human body.
Warm Water - 115 to 120°F. The water is touchable but not hot.

Hot Water - 130 to 135°F. The water is too hot to touch without injury.
Poach - 160 to 180°F. The water is beginning to move, to shiver.
Simmer - 185 to 200°F. There is movement, and little bubbles appear in the water.
Slow boil - 205°F. There is more movement and noticeably larger bubbles.
Real boil - 212°F. The water is rolling, vigorously bubbling, and steaming.

So now that you know the reasons behind my raw quest lets take a trip to the store!

(Left to Right)
SPROUTED tofu, linguine pasta, wraps, tomato pesto, ezekiel bread, unsalted cashews, tomatoes, cantaloupe, almond butter, agave nectar, garlic, sweet potatoes, and yams.

(Left to Right)
Mango's, kale, limes, red and green bell pepper, arugula, carrots, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and avocados.

(Top to Bottom)
Lemons, oranges, pears, apples, grapefruit mango's and bananas.
I am cutting back on fruit because it has been breaking me out! But I still LOOOOVE it!

I stalked the fridge UP! And all of this for around $115 bucks, with some fuel perks in the near future!
It is always good to have everything rinsed, chopped and ready to go!

Now I am going to throw some of the recipes I whipped together, Be creative, try them and add your own kick, your body knows how to nourish and heal itself better than anyone!

The first thing that came to me was RAW SMOOTHIE!
Strawberries, 1/2 banana, 1 small apple, 4 leaves of any leafy green (I used light lettuce) shelled hemp seeds, flaxseed, and my new spirulina powder (seaweed) with some cocoa!

I added some more fresh fruit because I need INSTANT energy! This drink may look too green but don't let it fool you, spirulina powder will turn YOU green! This was perfect to start the day with a blast full of energy because my stomach didn't have to work to digest it. Digestion is the biggest energy drainer! I already did all of the work by blending it so all it had to do was deliver it to my cells. I added some fruit to slow it down just a tad with the fiber!

Overnight oats with some fruit and ezekiel bread!

Almond milk, chia seeds and oats are the perfect mixture! Full of incredible nutrients and fiber to get your day started quick! Ezekiel bread is SPROUTED topped with fresh strawberry jam!

Grab those veggies we are going raw this time!

I went for some fresh basil from my mini-garden to add some big flavor!

First I cooked the tofu with some pesto and garlic. LOW HEAT! Then added in the veggies for a minute or so just to warm them in the yummy sauce. NO COOKING! They were more cold than warm, we are going RAW here!

I can't say much more than WOWZA! This dish kicked the raw foods butt!

Here I mixed in some red bell peppers, broccoli, tofu, tomato pesto and olive oil. LOW HEAT!

Mix well and set aside

Then I placed the mixed veggies in the center of the wrap and added fresh carrots and arugula!

Roll as such and then seal the end with some water so they stick!

Brown lightly with some olive oil!

Quinoa, leftover red bell peppers, tofu, carrots and arugula for the main dish and then topped with...

This meal might not of been the "rawist" but it is a work in progress! Becoming more conscious of your health and life involves having fun and enjoying what you eat everyday! I had a blast making all of these meals and hope you can create some incredible ones too!


Gizmo loves to watch me cook while he lays in daddy's gym bags!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Breakfast of a Champion!

I am a LOVER of breakfast, if you haven't noticed yet! I go to bed thinking about it and wake up ready to chow DOWN! Breakfast is the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL of the day!!!! (Do I need to repeat it again?) You can think of breakfast as a FREE meal. You will burn off all of the calories that you consume throughout the whole day (why wouldn't you eat a big breakfast??) And not to mention that your body is completely STARVED of nutrients from the nights rest, it is screaming at you! (Don't you hear it?) After all it is called Break-FAST!

Of course you want to plan your meal and create a balance of carbs, fats and protein. My body does great with grains and smoothies so I like to change it up every now and then. This treat is extra good because it has all the needed nutrients, has balance, and satisfies my sweet tooth :)


1 cup of water
1/2 cup of oats (Bob's Red Mill of course)
1/2 banana
2 tbsp of Shelled Hemp Seeds
1-2 tbsp of Almond Butter (YUM)
1-2 tbsp of Pure Maple Syrup

1.) Cook oatmeal according to directions (about 10 minutes) until all the water is absorbed
2.) Chop banana and add it to oatmeal
3.) Add in Shelled hemp seeds, Almond butter, and pure maple syrup
4.) EAT! (See why I love this recipe, EASY. Plus, champions got to go to work!)

Bob's my best friend! I LOVE this company!

Perfect goodness!

1.) Oats (unprocessed! Instant or quick 2 minute oat do NOT count!) take a long time to digest and are a great substance to keep blood sugars level. They also are very good at hydrating the body because of the water they have absorbed in the cooking process.

2.) Shelled hemp seeds provide ample protein to feed your starving muscles.

3.) The hemp seed consist mainly of oil (typically 44% and 33% protein) providing the body with essential fatty acids. The seeds also contain a very good source of vitamin E and fiber.

4.) Almond butter is a nutritional powerhouses that contain significant amounts of protein, calcium, fiber, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, and vitamin E. Almond butter has extremely low saturated fat content and is rich in monounsaturated fats making it a heart-healthy choice

5.)Maple syrup is sweet - and we're not just talking flavor. Maple syrup, as an excellent source of manganese and a good source of zinc, can also be sweet for your health.

The trace mineral maganese is an essential cofactor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defenses. For example, the key oxidative enzyme superoxide dismutase, which disarms free radicals produced within the mitochondria (the energy production factories within our cells), requires manganese. One ounce of maple syrup supplies 22.0% of the daily value for this very important trace mineral.

check out this site for hemp products!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The magic of Grains

This weeks theme is "Back on Track" and I have made it my goal to try at least 1 new grain this week. I have been introduced to a lot of new grains as I have been going through my school (Institute for Integrative Nutrition).

This weeks winner was Wheat Berries!


Wheat berries are not berries, but are wheat seeds. Wheat berries are part of a healthy diet and you can use them in a variety of ways. Since wheat berries are unprocessed, they retain nutrients and fiber that refined wheat products do not have.


A 1/4-cup serving of wheat berries contains 139 calories. Wheat berries expand when you cook them and are quite filling; making them a good choice if you are watching the number of calories you consume. Each 1/4-cup of wheat berries also contains over 5 g of hunger-busting fiber - a healthy way to fill up your stomach!


Most of the calories in wheat berries are from carbohydrates. In some circles, carbohydrates have developed a bad rap, but you'll find that the carbohydrates in wheat berries are the very best kind, as they are completely unrefined. While refined carbohydrates can cause problems with blood sugar, unrefined carbohydrates, such as those found in wheat berries, can help to prevent blood sugar problems because of the fiber they contain.

Protein and Fat

A 1/4-cup serving of wheat berries provides 4.5 g protein while providing less than 1 g of fat. While not a high-protein food, wheat berries combine well with other sources of protein, such as beans, for a protein-rich meal. The little bit of fat that wheat berries contain is in the germ of the seed. This fat, while insignificant from a dietary standpoint, can cause wheat to go rancid if stored for a long time.

Vitamins and Nutrients

Wheat berries are a good source of magnesium, with 53 mg per 1/4-cup serving. According to The University of Maryland Medical Center, a diet rich in magnesium can help to lower blood pressure and may prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. They also serve up 164 mg potassium, an array of B vitamins and vitamin E. Most of the vitamins and minerals in wheat berries are derived from the bran, which is completely intact in this unprocessed grain.


You can use wheat berries as a nutritious hot breakfast cereal. After cooking the berries, top with non-fat milk, berries and sweetener. You can also add wheat berries to salads, prepare them with sauteed vegetables as a side dish or use them in a holiday stuffing. For a quick Mediterranean-flavored side salad, toss cooked, chilled wheat berries with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice and cucumber.

MY RECIPE: Burrito

I was not sure how these berries would taste so I went the gradual route. I have been loving wraps this week and I decided to mix the wheat berries with my favorite, Quinoa! This way I would not ruin the whole dish if I did not like them and I still got to ease my palette into their unique taste.

AND THEY WERE AMAZING! Imagine brown rice on some steroids. Big, thick, rough in texture, chewy and very delicious!

The only downside to this berry is that it must boil for 1 hour. And it does not absorb all of the water so you have to strain it. Luckily, this was great for me because I had a lot of school and wedding work to get done so I was pleased!

My favorite brand: Bob's Red Mill! You cannot go wrong with any of there products, they have everything!

My berries after I had boiled them for 1 hour.

Cooked and drained, ready to eat!

My Burrito toppings: Spinach, Red Bell Peppers, Carrots, Cilantro, and 1/2 an avocado!

First I mixed my wheat berries with some quinoa, olive oil, pepper, rubbed Sage, and cilantro. Give it a good mix!

Add to the center of your burrito and then pile on the toppings!

I threw some cashews on top because I love the nutty flavor!

I got a little carried away with the toppings! But it only made it more delicious!

This burrito was amazing and you could definitely taste the wheat berries. I ate this for an early dinner (7pm)and had no cravings or hunger before bed around 11pm. The next morning I was still very satisfied and not starving for breakfast, Thank you WHEAT BERRIES!
