One serving or one cup of acorn squash contains 145% of the daily recommended requirements for Vitamin A. It also contains Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, folate (folic acid), and 15% of the omega three fatty acids necessary for good health. It is also a good source of fiber. With all of these vitamins and minerals acorn squash has many health benefits and I had one sitting on my counter ready to for me to eat!
Acorn Sqash is SOO easy to cook. You can cut it in halves or into small cubes to go with whatever dish you want to prepare. I chose to cut them into smaller halves so they would cook quicker.
Heat your oven to 365 degrees and cook for 45 minutes (longer if bigger halves) until you can easily pierce with a fork.
In the meantime I started on the "fillings" for my squash. This time I decided to go with some brocolli and cauliflower, Quinoa, Kale and parsley.
Parsley is known for increasing the anti-oxiadant capacity of the blood and killing bacteria. It also maintains elasticity of blood vessels, helps to repair bruises, and is an excellent digestion restorative remedy. High in vitamin C, beta carotene, B12, chlorophll and essential fatty acids, parsley is an extradordinary immunity enhancing food!
Kale (Left) Parsley (Right)
Kale's risk-lowering benefits for cancer have recently been extended to at least five different types of cancer. These types include cancer of the bladder, breast, colon, ovary, and prostate. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from glucosinolates in kale play a primary role in achieving these risk-lowering benefits. Researchers can now identify over 45 different flavonoids in kale. With kaempferol and quercetin heading the list, kale's flavonoids combine both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits in way that gives kale a leading dietary role with respect to avoidance of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.
Mix together Cauliflower and Broccoli over Olive Oil and cook for 3-5 minutes.
When the acorn squash is finished it is time to add all of the wonderful veggies!
Add (as desired) Quinoa (I used Red Quinoa this time). I also added some shelled hemp seeds!
Then pour all of the veggies over the sqaush and quinoa to make a wonderful dinner full of antioxidants and vital nutrients!