Winter. It brings beautiful times, but also terrible germs that can turn into a cold, fever or even worse, the flu!
I am a firm believer that we become what we eat. Another reason and motivation to eat things that will keep me healthy!
Since you can choose what you are made of, what do you want that building material to be? Do you want to be made of fillers, additives, sugars and chemicals, with free radicals running amok through your body? Or do you want to be made of lean proteins, healthy fats and nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains, with an abundance of phytonutrients and antioxidants to fight against those free radicals and other invaders?
When you eat junk food, or when you diet and don't feed your body what it needs, it reacts by telling you to eat more. If you keep feeding your body more nutritiously empty foods, it tells you to eat more still.
A healthy weight and superior health are two great reasons to fill your belly with Power Foods (which I will be introducing to you). Remember your cells are constantly being regenerated and each cell is built with the food you choose to consume. These include you skin cells, your muscle cells and even your brain cells. A diet rich in Power Foods helps you look, feel, move and think younger!
The first five Power Foods I want to share are:
Almonds are known for vitamin E, vitamon B3 (niacin), potassium, calcium, and great monosaturated fats.
Barley has great sources of fiber, selenium, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B1 (Thiamin), phosphorous and vitamin B6. Because Barley contains eight essential amino acids, studies show it can regulate blood sugar for up to 10 hours after consumption.
Cauliflower has good fiber, vitamin B9, vitamin C, vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids. Low in fat and high in dietary fiber, making it an excellent food for a nutrition plan.
The Chia seed is an all-around Power Food! Great sources of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, manganese, iron and PROTEIN!!! Chia seeds are an excellent appetite suppressant because of its high amounts of fiber and protein in addition to its thickening ability.
Peppers are treated as a vegetable, but are actually a fruit filled with antioxidants and bursting with flavor. They are great for vitamin C, A, B6, fiber, molybdenum and vitamin K. Sweet peppers are thermogenic, meaning they increase your bodys heat production, which helps you burn more calories.
How many different recipes can YOU come up with using these 5 Power Foods?!