Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Perfect Pasta PIZZZZA!!!

This recipe came to me when I was dreaming about pizza. I LOVE pizza, who doesn't?!? As a vegetarian, I am not as fond of the whole cheese thing as others. I can handle it most of the time but when it is hot and all greesy my stomach tends to disagree! So, when I eat pizza I scrape off all of the toppings and eat just the bread and sauce, weird right?

I was eating my favorite pasta (penne) for dinner one night and had a brilliant idea! Why not put pasta on top of a pizza? It sounded delicious to me and it just happened to be the biggest football game of the year, the SUPERBOWL!!! No need to convince myself that this dish had WAY too many carbs, or cheese, or sauce, or anything! It was time to pig out and be okay with it! (and I was because I ate the WHOLE thing)

Life is not about depriving yourself form unhealthy foods. Of course, we do not want to eat out of whack everyday, but taking a night off from counting calories (if that is your thing) or making sure you eat acording to "your diet" leaves you feeling deprived. When you feel depreived everyday (because lets face it, we are surrounded by cravings everywhere we go) after so long, you cave in and you cave in hard. Believe me, I used to plan out my meals for weeks sometimes, depriving myself of what my body really wanted at that moment. Maybe it was a chocolate chip cookie or a ridiculous tower of ice cream, I denied myself that sweet moment of indulgence, of goodness, of peace. Now, I see there are healthy alternatives to making those chocolate chip cookies or ice cream, but it all comes back to letting yourself enjoy the foods you crave!
So from time to time, enjoy! Eat your favorite chocolate, eat the bread you have been so strongly ignoring! In the end you will thank yourself :)

Here is the recipe:

Mini Pizza Crust (I bought my at Kroger - Gluten Free)
1 can of spagetti Sauce
1 Box of your favoriet pasta (I used vegan pasta - gluten free)
1 case of your favorite cheese (I used mixed)
Cilantro and Parsley (Use as desired)

My pizza crust!

1.) Bake pasta according to the box. Add sauce and set aside.

2.) Spread your favorite sauce over your crust and then add your cheese!

3.) I chopped up some parsley (love the flavor!) and put it on top of the cheese.

4.) Then it is time to add the good stuff, the PASTA!

5.) Add some more cheese (optional) and then it is time to go into the oven!
Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until the bottom is golden brown.

Remember, this dish was an indulgence and an amazing one at that! I had so much fun creating something in my mind and then bringing it to life on my plate. Enjoy and embrace the creativity you hold in everything you do, including your time in the kitchen! Enjoy!