
Whether your new to yoga or more advanced, you can gain strength, lose weight, become more flexible and more. You don't have to spend hours on the mat!

Here are 3 small routines you can do branching from 3 different types of yoga.
1.) Astanga = strength
2.) Power Yoga = weight loss
3.) Vinyasa = endurance

Do this sequence known as the Sun Salutation A, 5 to 15 times a day. During the sequence practice the Ujjayi breathing: Inhale through the nose with mouth closed, draw breath up and back of throat and exhale as if fogging a window.

                                       1         2              3                4                             5

1.) Upward Salute: Stand with feet together, hands at center of body. Inhale and lower hands by sides, palms facing forward.
2.) Circle arms up, bringing hands together above head.
3.) Forward Bend: Exhale and fold forward, placing hands on the floor.
4.) Inhale and lift chest, flattening back and rising onto fingertips (or bring hands to shins)
*Forward Bend syncs your mind with your body at the start of practice as well as stretches your back, hips, and hamstrings.
5.) Plank: Exhale and step back into a push up position. This builds strength in your upper body and core.

Chataranga: Exhale and lower down from the push up position with elbows tucked tight against your body until your arms come to a 90 degree angle.

Upward Dog: Inhale and press palms into floor, pushing torso up and off the ground. Roll shoulders back and expand through chest. Lift hips and press tops of feet into floor, engaging legs.

Downward Dog: Exhale and curl toes under, lift sit bones toward ceiling, and straighten arms so body forms and upside-down V. Draw thighs toward back of room and chest toward thighs. Press into floor, keeping weight evenly throughout both hands and not just in the wrists. Draw shoulders away from the ears and lengthen torso. Hold this pose for 5-10 breaths.

Step forward and inhale up to starting position. Repeat 5-15 times.

Power yoga uses isometric movements that recruit every muscle in the body. This means once you get into a pose, you'll hold it to work the muscles and spark the metabolism.

Revolved Crescent Lunge: Come into a lunge position with one foot forward and the other foot stretch out behind you. Straighten arms, bringing your opposite hand to the floor and to the outside of your foot reaching your other hand to the ceiling or out in front of you. Pull shoulder blades towards the spine, open chest wide and gaze upward. Step foot back and repeat opposite side. Hold for 5-10 breaths each side.

Dancer Pose: Stand with feet together. Raise left arm to shoulder height, palm facing up. Bend right knee and lift right foot toward butt. Reach back with right hand and grab inside of right foot. Gaze past left hand and stretch forward, lifting chest and bringing leg up. Hold 5-10 breaths and then switch to the opposite side.

Triangle Pose: Stand with feet about 3-4 feet apart, arms outstretched at shoulder height. Turn left foot out and turn right foot slightly in. Reach left hand down, placing it on the floor behind left ankle or shin. Reach right arm toward ceiling so arms form a straight line. Extend from fingertip to fingertip, being careful not to let body weight drop from left shoulder. Keep body stacked, as if you were in between two panes of glass. Hold 5-10 breaths and repeat on opposite side.

Bow Pose: Lie on belly. Bend knees, bringing them hip-width apart. Reach back with hands and grab ankles or tops of the feet. Inhale and press back through legs as you lift thighs and chest off the floor. Press feet back into hands, drop chin to chest, and breathe deeply.

Supported Shoulder Stand: Lie on back. Bring knees to chest and contract core. Exhale and bring legs and hips up, rolling onto back of shoulders. Bring hands to lower back and walk elbows and shoulder blades toward each other. Press up through soles of feet, using hands to lift and support hips. To come down, draw knees to chest and gently roll back down.


Vinyasa yoga, often called "flow" yoga, focuses on inhaling and exhaling with every movement. To master flow, you must master breath so you can move effortlessly.

Camel Pose: Kneel with knees directly under hips. Bring palms to lower back. Exhale and lift chest, arching backward. Try to bring one hand at a time to feet.

Dolphin Pose: Lower forearms to floor, elbows directly under shoulders. Pressing down through forearms, lift pelvis and straighten legs so body forms an upside-down V. Look forward, back, and to both sides to soften neck and then relax head into a neutral position.

Boat Pose: Inhale and move from Dolphin to seated position. Exhale and rock back to sit bones, extending legs up so body forms a V. Bring hands forward, parallel to floor. Keep back and legs straight or 90 degree angle to engage abs.

Crow Pose: Squat with feet together, flat on floor. Widen knees and find your balance. Look 1 foot in front of you. Place palms on floor, shoulder width apart. Bend elbows as you lean torso forward, placing shins one at a time on back of upper arms. Balance and hold. If that is too hard, work on balancing knees on upper arms with toes on floor. Lean torso forward carefully, lifting one foot at a time.