Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Breakfast of a Champion!

I am a LOVER of breakfast, if you haven't noticed yet! I go to bed thinking about it and wake up ready to chow DOWN! Breakfast is the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL of the day!!!! (Do I need to repeat it again?) You can think of breakfast as a FREE meal. You will burn off all of the calories that you consume throughout the whole day (why wouldn't you eat a big breakfast??) And not to mention that your body is completely STARVED of nutrients from the nights rest, it is screaming at you! (Don't you hear it?) After all it is called Break-FAST!

Of course you want to plan your meal and create a balance of carbs, fats and protein. My body does great with grains and smoothies so I like to change it up every now and then. This treat is extra good because it has all the needed nutrients, has balance, and satisfies my sweet tooth :)


1 cup of water
1/2 cup of oats (Bob's Red Mill of course)
1/2 banana
2 tbsp of Shelled Hemp Seeds
1-2 tbsp of Almond Butter (YUM)
1-2 tbsp of Pure Maple Syrup

1.) Cook oatmeal according to directions (about 10 minutes) until all the water is absorbed
2.) Chop banana and add it to oatmeal
3.) Add in Shelled hemp seeds, Almond butter, and pure maple syrup
4.) EAT! (See why I love this recipe, EASY. Plus, champions got to go to work!)

Bob's my best friend! I LOVE this company!

Perfect goodness!

1.) Oats (unprocessed! Instant or quick 2 minute oat do NOT count!) take a long time to digest and are a great substance to keep blood sugars level. They also are very good at hydrating the body because of the water they have absorbed in the cooking process.

2.) Shelled hemp seeds provide ample protein to feed your starving muscles.

3.) The hemp seed consist mainly of oil (typically 44% and 33% protein) providing the body with essential fatty acids. The seeds also contain a very good source of vitamin E and fiber.

4.) Almond butter is a nutritional powerhouses that contain significant amounts of protein, calcium, fiber, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, and vitamin E. Almond butter has extremely low saturated fat content and is rich in monounsaturated fats making it a heart-healthy choice

5.)Maple syrup is sweet - and we're not just talking flavor. Maple syrup, as an excellent source of manganese and a good source of zinc, can also be sweet for your health.

The trace mineral maganese is an essential cofactor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defenses. For example, the key oxidative enzyme superoxide dismutase, which disarms free radicals produced within the mitochondria (the energy production factories within our cells), requires manganese. One ounce of maple syrup supplies 22.0% of the daily value for this very important trace mineral.

check out this site for hemp products!